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Q&A Using Flexsim and building models

Old 01-15-2014
Gavin Douglas Gavin Douglas is offline
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Default Stop and Resume Object?

When an Operator leaves a network node, say NN1, I want a crane to stop working. So I have this:

OnContinue>> stopobject(centerobject(current, 1), STATE_DOWN);

When the operator returns to NN1 I would like the crane to start again so I have this:

OnArrival>> resumeobject(centerobject(current, 1));

The crane does stop when the operator walks away, however, it does not resume when the operator returns. Any Help??
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Old 01-15-2014
Clair A Clair A is offline
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Default Stop/resume crane when the operator leaves/comes back

Hi Gavin,

I tried to create a sample model similar to your approach. An operator is on a network node NN1, when he leaves this network node the crane stops and when he comes back the crane resumes. "Leave" and "Come back" can be defined more precisely with if statements as below.

NN1 - OnArrival trigger:

//if the operator comes from another node and will stay at this node
if(fromedge != 0 && toedge == 0)
	resumeobject(centerobject(current, 1));
NN1 - OnContinue trigger:

//if the operator was staying at this node and will leave to another node
if(fromedge == 0 && toedge != 0)
	stopobject(centerobject(current, 1), STATE_DOWN);
Attached Files
File Type: fsm Stop and resume crane.fsm (28.5 KB, 560 views)

Last edited by Clair A; 11-12-2014 at 10:28 AM. Reason: re-uploaded attachment
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Old 01-15-2014
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The onarrival and the oncontinue both go off when an operator goes through a node. So in your situation, first time it arrives:
OnArrival : resumeobject (has no effect because crane is not stopped)
OnContinue: stopobject (so crane stops)

The second time it arrives at the node:
OnArrival : resumeobject (crane is resumed)
OnContinue: stopobject (so crane stops immediately again after it was resumed)

So take a look at Clair's solution to specfiy better on the node what action you need.
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