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Q&A Using Flexsim and building models

Old 10-28-2010
john mic john mic is offline
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Smile Stop and resume objects at specified time

Below problem sounds like a piece of cake,but I've tried many times and still couldn't make it.

1>When Queue4 is at status of collecting; Conveyor3, Processor5,Operator9 and Queue6 be stopped
When Queue4 is at status of releasing; Conveyor3, Processor5,Operator9 and Queue6 be resumed

2>When Operator9 starts loading flowitem from Processor5; Queue2,Queue4,Conveyor3 and Operator8 be stopped
When Operator9 finishes loading flowitem from Processor5; Queue2,Queue4,Conveyor3 and Operator8 be resumed

I'm looking forward to your reply.Thanks!
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Old 10-28-2010
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If I understood you ríght, this should be possible with sending messages and "stopobject" or "resumeobject" in the triggers after the message arrived.
Old 10-28-2010
john mic john mic is offline
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Right,these two commands "stopobject" and "resumeobject" are needed.But I found that it's hard to stop it at the very time of Queue4 status-collecting/Operator9 starts loading flowitem from Processor5,by the way,I alse used the command "getstatenum",which I want to use to realize that when its status matches "collecting", the command "stopobject" will be excuted.If you've made it,would you pls attach the model?Thanks!
Old 10-28-2010
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Don´t know how much time I can spend. Even it´s not possible to upload any modells from here. But I will try it later from another Network.

At first I´m thinking about, if changing state of a object really is a event in Flexsim. If not, it wouldn´t be possible to controll anything at this moment.
The state collecting is only for a very short moment in a queue and not the whole time the queue is waiting for items. It´s fired as soon as the item really arrives. So I used the OnEntry trigger of the Queue to stop all objects (for example by using the centerports or even global variables).
Then I use the OnEndCollecting Trigger to send a delayed message for resuming the objects. Important is, that you have to resume the object as often as you stoped it. For your example there arrive 5 items and thisway I wrote the resumeobject in the OnMessage Trigger of the objects 5 times.
I´m still not understanding what this should be good for. Because Queue 4 all the time is collecting and so all other objects never really work.
Try to load up my model later this day;-)
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Old 10-29-2010
Lars-Olof Leven Lars-Olof Leven is offline
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It exist a trigger called OnStateChange if you search the forum for that trigger you will get more information how to use it.

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Old 11-01-2010
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The reason is that this is used to simulate a production cell composed of these objects. Queue4 is loaded by operator 8 and when operator enters into this cell to load product for Queue4, there exists possibilities that operator will be hurt by other moving objects. To avoid operator be hurt, the specified objects should be stopped. Processor5 and operator9 are same like that. I'm still working on it and not solving that problem
Old 11-02-2010
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I know why it failed before now and solve it,thanks for all of your replies.

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