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Q&A Using Flexsim and building models

Old 03-16-2013
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Default Adding Flexsim custom shortcut keys

Hey all.

Has anyone dabbled in creating custom shortcut keys?

What I am looking for is a way to use a keyboard shortcut to execute a bit of Flexscript code. Can this be done, and if not, can it be added to the development list?

Have fun simulating everyone.

Best regards
Old 03-18-2013
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You can use a usercommand to add custom shortcut keys. It could look like this:

if(lastkeydown())//key pressed?
    switch (lastkeydown())//which key?
        case 113:    //p.e. F2-Key
                         //your code
        case 114:    //p.e. F3-Key
                         //your code
You have to add this usercommand into the trigger OnKeyDown in persp-view.

Attention: Flexsim has a lot of keyboard shortcuts. This could collide with your own shortcut keys.
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Old 03-18-2013
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P.S.: This is a link of shortcut keys but it's not up-to-date (Version 5)
Old 05-16-2013
KvThiel KvThiel is offline
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Is it possible to upload an example with this shortkey command in it?

I'm strugling to get the OnKeyDown code into a perspective view to zoom-in with a key (F2).

Kind regards,

Koen van Thiel
Old 05-23-2013
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Default CharCode instead of KeyCode possible ?

Is it possible to work with charCode instead of keyCode? I want to create a zoom function, when I press and hold a button it has to zoom in.

Does anybody know what the code is to do this?

for keyCode I already have:

if(iskeydown(102)) //Numpad 6
if (eq(lastkeydown(),102)) //Numpad 6

kind regards,

Koen van Thiel
Old 05-23-2013
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You can zoom with pressing both mousebuttons and moving mouse.
Old 05-23-2013
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Use pd() to print the lastkeydown() to the output console. Then you can check for that specific key by its keycode.
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Old 12-10-2013
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Default Define Views and access them from dashboard

I've been trying to do something similar by creating Views and selecting them with buttons in a custom dashboard. For example: Close-up, Right side, Left side.

But I can't find a Command that would allow to select a predefined View. Is there one? Any other way to do this?

Old 12-11-2013
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Default gui button to open a View

The code I am using in my Model Control GUI to open View 1.

On Press:

treenode curview = NULL;
curview = node("/Tools/PerspViews/1",model());

As written in the comments it is important, that the GUI needs a “palettwindow” attribute.

This is just a node in the tree like viewfocus, spatialx, OnClose, etc.
Just add a node in the tree and call it “palettwindow”.
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Old 12-11-2013
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I should have indicated that I didn't create a GUI the old fashioned way. I created a Dashboard (new with version 7).

I put the exact above code in the OnPress code of my button on my dashboard (except I changed the 1 for the name of my view).
I've inserted a node called "palettwindow" into my dashboard node.
Nothing happens when I press on the button.
Any ideas?
Old 12-11-2013
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The code in Tools/PerspViews sets the view on the active document window. When you are clicking in your Dashboard, the dashboard window is the active document window.
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Old 12-12-2013
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Si is there another way to do it? (selecting predefined views through buttons in a dashboard)

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