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Q&A Using Flexsim and building models

Old 06-22-2015
koenslootmans koenslootmans is offline
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Default move operator to truck on network (can't reach destinatinon)


I have an operator and a truck connected to 1 network.

I created a coordinated tasksequence where the operator will walk to the truck and then the truck will start loading boxes.

The travel task of the operator to the truck however fails (it seems that you can't travel to an operator attached to a network)

How can i go around this?
I tried to call a subtask on the operator in which i then find the closest node to the truck and travel there, but this doesnt work as the operator will first need to finish the coordinated task sequence it seems (i even put the second task sequence to PRREMPT_only but it still didn't force the operator to walk to the truck)

Is there a way to remove the operator from the network, and then have her walk to the truck, and put her back on the network when the task is finished ?

Old 06-22-2015
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you can only travel to fixed resources through the travel task. If you want to travel to a task executer, travel to his closest networknode on the network and then use traveltoloc or travelrelative to travel to the task executer itself.

Good luck

Old 06-22-2015
koenslootmans koenslootmans is offline
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At the moment that the task is being generated i don't know where the truck will be when i will start this task.
So i tried to go around this by doing a "call_SubTask" on the operator,
the subtask is being generated but not executed untill the coordinated task is finished ?! which is weird
What can i do about this?

network, task, travel, truck

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