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Q&A Using Flexsim and building models

Old 06-10-2015
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Default Rotating basicTE with two items at same time...

I am making a interesting basicTE model rotating every 90 degree.
All flowitems are 4 types of 1,2,3,4 and the colors are red, green, blue and yellow.
The rotating basicTE loads one item every totation of 90 degree from Conv_Inlet and after rotating 180 degree it unloads the item to Conv_Outlet.
It rotates counterclockwise.

How can I control it?

I have made some logic but I coud not finish it completely.

I need some help.

Attached Thumbnails
Click image for larger version
Name:	2015-06-11_105446.png
Views:	312
Size:	90.0 KB
ID:	2873  
Attached Files
File Type: fsm Index_Rotator_v0.95.fsm (102.9 KB, 283 views)
File Type: pptx Question.pptx (65.5 KB, 304 views)

Last edited by syseo; 06-11-2015 at 04:01 AM.
Old 06-10-2015
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Hello Syseo,

please try first the search for the keyword turn table.
And please Syseo, try to be a bit more precise. What have you done? What behaviour have you achieved ? Where do you think lay the problem?

You are an experienced long time user of Flexsim. I assume you have got the abilities to describe what you want in contrast to the abilities of a beginner or student.

Old 06-11-2015
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I missed the description of document of it.
I found it not to be attached above and I uploaded it again. I am sorry for it.
I will explain in more detail the problem of my model attached.

I want to make the rotating basicTE picking up one item every 90 degree rotation from Conv_Inlet and after rotating 180 degree pick-off the item to Conv_Outlet. The rotation is counterlockwise.

In other words, the red bar of basicTE loads the red item from Conv_Inlet and also the green bar of it loads the green item after rotating 90 degree from Conv_Inlet.
And then after again rotating 90 degree , basicTE unloads the red item to
Conv_outlet and the blue bar loads the blue item from Conv_Inlet.
And it does the same behaviour above.

I made the first item be picked up by the red bar of basicTE.
But I can't do the green bar of the basicTE pick up the green item after rotating 90 degree.

Dispatching the tasksequence of the Conv_inlet looks like invalid.
And the tasksequence has not the command of rotating.

How can I control it?

I found the turn table of basicTE in this forum but it is not my solution.
The turn-table model load one item and then unload it after 180 degree.

My model has four picking hands every 90 degree and it loads one item every 90 degree,
and after 180 degree, it unloads to the Conv_Outlet.

That is the difference from each other.
Old 06-11-2015
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Hello Syseo,

You have built a nice animation so far, but perhaps the animation is the last step in modeling. If you test on a BasicTE the transport of more than one item you will find out that the TE loads until he is full, transports the items and releases them again. There is not a sequential mutual loading and unloading implemented in the standard. Even if you use the standard Break To picklists items and/ or unsing the preempting of task sequences the standard behaviour isn't changimg. The TE loads until the loading capacity is depleted and then unloads all items.
My approach would start firstly with the mutual loading and unloading. Then the items should stay a cycle on the taskexecuter before the unloading. Then should the indexing table has to work as well, when there aren't any flowitems for a long time for example more then 4 cycles.
The loading of the table I would control in or with a seperated dispatcher by opening or closing the ouput of the dispatcher and the passing of tasksequence in the order the indexing table can handle the items.
At the end comes the animation with the kinematics or the animation tool.

Old 07-05-2015
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Default 90 degree rotating indexer Model

This attached model is above model.
This is only for 90 degree rotating.
This example is not using Task Executer but processor.
And another degree model can be made using this model.
Attached Files
File Type: fsm Rotating_Kinematic_indexer_v0.91.fsm (171.5 KB, 277 views)
The Following User Says Thank You to syseo For This Useful Post:
sagar bolisetti (07-06-2015)

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