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Q&A Using Flexsim and building models

Old 05-27-2015
Allan Schiotz Allan Schiotz is offline
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Default Level Of Detail (LOD) questions


I have read the User manual about Level of Detail, and am trying to get it to work – but without luck.

I need it to make both flowtime object and static objects (like processors).

I can make the different 3D models, but do not know where to place them, or how to make FlexSim ‘call them’. I understand that I have to make a text lds/lrl file to control this, but I don´t know where or how to connect the file to the 3D model(s).

Is ‘Setframe’ the way to go? I have tried working with different models in ‘Setframe’, but am not sure if this is the way to import the LOD fines, and how to connect the text file to them.

All help will be appreciated.
Old 05-28-2015
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Originally Posted by Allan Schiotz View Post
I can make the different 3D models, but do not know where to place them, or how to make FlexSim ‘call them’. I understand that I have to make a text lds/lrl file to control this, but I don´t know where or how to connect the file to the 3D model(s).

Hi Allan,

it's quite simple. FlexSim search those LOD-files based on the name of the origin file. Because of that the files have to be in the same folder as the origin file and the name of LOD-files have to be correct. That's it.

I've used it in the past but the current graphics engine of FlexSim is very mighty. Because of that the gain is very small and I'm no longer using this feature.

Old 06-01-2015
Allan Schiotz Allan Schiotz is offline
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Hi Carsten

thank you for the reply.

Should the text lds/lrl file, also just be in the same folder, or do I need to point to this somewhere?

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