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Q&A Using Flexsim and building models

Old 02-01-2012
Manoj Kumar Manoj Kumar is offline
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Default Empty level in rack

How a specified level in rack can be left empty without flow items.
can this be done using global table or any other command is available??
If using global table means were the reference has to be called in the rack properties.
Old 02-01-2012
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you find a solution in the following thread:

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Carsten Seehafer (02-01-2012)
Old 02-01-2012
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Hi Jörg,

Thanks for the quick reply. As per your code one flow item is loaded in the required level. In order to get the levels without flow item where i need to change the content of the cell from 1 to 0.
Old 02-01-2012
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my code pretend flowitems to exists in the rack cells of level 10. Empty cells are represented by the value 0. The storage of Flowitems depends on the functions Place in Bay, Place in Level and the variable Maximum Content. Only if you choose a specified cell capacity and maximum content then the pretended flowitems (virtual occupied cells) works as not accessible cells. If you accept a cell capacity of 4 and you pretend one flowitem to be present, then 3 flowitems will be placed to those cells.

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Manoj Kumar (02-01-2012)

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