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Q&A Using Flexsim and building models

Old 11-14-2014
Allan Schiotz Allan Schiotz is offline
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Default Static scale of ‘Y axis’ in ’content vs. Time’?


I am using the ’Content vs. Time’ stat chart in the dashboard, to measure content of different buffer areas (racks).

The ‘Y axis’ of ’content vs. Time’ is dynamically scaled when I am running the model, according to the dynamic content. This makes it hard for the customer to compare the different buffer areas.

Is it possible to set/lock the Y axis to scale according to the max content of the racks (as set in the objects properties), instead of 'auto scaling' to the dynamic content?


Old 11-16-2014
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sagar bolisetti is a jewel in the roughsagar bolisetti is a jewel in the roughsagar bolisetti is a jewel in the roughsagar bolisetti is a jewel in the rough

I used this model some time ago from the post.I hope this helps.

Originally Posted by Phil BoBo View Post
Attached is a sample model that shows how you can get interesting statistics like this by using tracked variables.

What's in the model:

There are four processing lines. On each Queue, I call a user command OnExit and OnEntry. Those user commands update the tracked variables. (They are in user commands so that I'm not repeating my code on every queue. I can update the code in one place and affect the entire system.)

There are three tracked variables:
1. TotalContent: the total content of all four queues.
2. Overcapacity: a boolean value telling whether the system is over capacity or not.
3. TimeOverCapacity: a history of the durations when the system was overcapacity.

Additionally, I have two user events near time 0 that set the Overcapacity's value to 2 and then 0 to control its y-axis values in the dashboard.

On the dashboard, I have five statistics objects:
1. Model documentation that shows the current/maximum content and whether the system is overcapacity.
2. The total content vs time (tracked variable vs time).
3. Over capacity vs time (tracked variable vs time).
4. Time spent over capacity dot plot (tracked variable vs time). (This is a dot plot because the tracked variable it is showing is not time weighted.)
5. Time spent over capacity histogram (tracked variable histogram).

(The model also has two global variables. One for setting the system's max capacity and another one used to calculate the time spent over capacity.)

Another note:
Because these values are stored using tracked variables and Dashboard Statistics, they can easily be added as performance measures to the experimenter so that you can analyse this data on multiple replications.
Attached Files
File Type: fsm tracked_variables_example.fsm (42.8 KB, 429 views)
Old 11-17-2014
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sagar bolisetti is a jewel in the roughsagar bolisetti is a jewel in the roughsagar bolisetti is a jewel in the roughsagar bolisetti is a jewel in the rough

If i am not misunderstood.After showing the values in a widget in the dashboard,You can collect the rawdata from that particular widget by right clicking on it and choosing "Export Data".You export the data as a csv file and can draw a line graph from that values.In excel you can change the scale of vertical and horizontal axis of line chart.

For those who want to see previous model ,widgets does not seem to be displayed that was built from Version6.Here is the model in version7.
Attached Files
File Type: fsm tracked variable v7.fsm (19.4 KB, 381 views)

Last edited by sagar bolisetti; 11-17-2014 at 01:36 PM.

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