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Q&A Using Flexsim and building models

Old 08-28-2014
shivrash shivrash is offline
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Default Screen distortion in AGV

I have installed the latest AGV pack in 7.3. However when I am trying to draw a path the background screen is getting distorted. I am attaching the screenshot.

Kindly help in getting it solved.
Attached Thumbnails
Click image for larger version
Name:	agv.jpg
Views:	78
Size:	434.8 KB
ID:	2631  
Old 08-28-2014
Sung Kim Sung Kim is offline
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I have the same symptom, but it comes back to normal screen after escaping the AGV line drawing mode. With compatibility graphic mode, I don’t have the symptom / issue, though.
Old 08-28-2014
shivrash shivrash is offline
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Could you elaborate more on how to go for graphic compatibility use?
Old 08-28-2014
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Yes this is a known issue. The problem has to do with the AGV's usage of an OpenGL feature called polygon offset. The AGV system's draw code uses it, and the shadow rendering mechanism uses it as well, and when both are using it at the same time, it causes issues. If it bothers you a ton, you can turn off shadows and that fixes it. We'll get a fix out hopefully soon.
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Old 08-30-2014
shivrash shivrash is offline
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Where can i find the shadows option?
Old 08-30-2014
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It's in File > Global Preferences under Graphics

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