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Q&A Using Flexsim and building models

Old 02-17-2014
Gavin Douglas Gavin Douglas is offline
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Default Number of ports

I have a situation where the number of input ports for a processor are changing dynamically. Is there a command that I can run off a trigger which will tell me how many input ports are connected to this processor?

"A bird is an instrument working according to mathematical law, which is within the capacity of man to reproduce." -Leonardo da Vinci, 1502
Old 02-17-2014
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Have you tried nrip()? . I'm not sure if it is changed dynamically or set 1 time. Just give it a try
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Old 02-18-2014
Gavin Douglas Gavin Douglas is offline
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that did the trick.
"A bird is an instrument working according to mathematical law, which is within the capacity of man to reproduce." -Leonardo da Vinci, 1502
Old 02-18-2014
mefhsmflexsimbr mefhsmflexsimbr is offline
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Thumbs up Number of ports

As Steven said nrip(obj object) could be an option.
Description: Get the number of input ports of object
Example: nrip(current)
Michael Machado - FlexSim Brasil

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