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Q&A Using Flexsim and building models

Old 02-14-2014
Marco Bergmann Marco Bergmann is offline
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Default horizontal moving conveyor

Hi, i need a tip how to simulate a horizontal moving conveyor which works like "lift". This means i have one transport unit (conveyor) which moves between loading position and different unloading positions. This conveyor can just move in one axis (+ / - ).

I can use kinematics. Is there another solution?
Old 02-14-2014
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please have a look at the general tab of the conveyor and set the y-rotation to -90. I hope this is what you want

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Old 02-14-2014
Esther Bennett Esther Bennett is offline
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Hello Marco,

I have created a small model that might help you in the right direction.
All code is on the conveyor triggers.

Reset: deactivate the kinematics.
OnEntry: initiate travel for a distance (set on a label). And close the input and output of the conveyor (output may not be required if you are sure the moving takes less time than the conveying ).
OnConveyEnd: Open the outport and initate to travel back the same distance.
OnMessage: I use the msgsendingobject() to determine if the input can be opened again.

Attached Files
File Type: fsm movingConveyor.fsm (15.8 KB, 369 views)

Last edited by Esther Bennett; 12-08-2014 at 03:56 AM.
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Old 02-16-2014
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Hello Marco,

perhaps the approach of this post will give you another hint. Let a taskexecuter do the traveling and the conveyor is a part of the taskexecuter. Use a Network and don't let the taskexecuter travel offset.

I am still impressed by this approach.

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Old 02-18-2014
Marco Bergmann Marco Bergmann is offline
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Originally Posted by Esther Bennett View Post
Hello Marco,

I have created a small model that might help you in the right direction.
All code is on the conveyor triggers.

Reset: deactivate the kinematics.
OnEntry: initiate travel for a distance (set on a label). And close the input and output of the conveyor (output may not be required if you are sure the moving takes less time than the conveying ).
OnConveyEnd: Open the outport and initate to travel back the same distance.
OnMessage: I use the msgsendingobject() to determine if the input can be opened again.

thank you Esther, nearly it is what I need. But your input was very useful.
Old 03-02-2014
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Dear Marco,

I just created a moving conveyer model inspired by Mr. Jorg Vogel's hint.


Attached Files
File Type: fsm moving conveyer.fsm (25.0 KB, 55 views)
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