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Q&A Using Flexsim and building models

Old 01-24-2012
Gutirallo Gutirallo is offline
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Default event time changed to present

I got a message on system console that refers to the time that some events occur:

createvent: event in past time is: event time changed to present. Object: TRA advancetime 155_00: -0.102754, clock: 298.675670

...apparently does not affect the performance of the model

I'd appreciate if any could give some tip.

Old 01-25-2012
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A friend helped me find the problem and apparently occurs only if there is a negative value in the size of the flowitems (the flow axis). By mistake was setting a negative x-size which caused this message every time the item came to an object.

I hope this helps.
Old 01-25-2012
Vincent Bechard Vincent Bechard is offline
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I think the most probable explanation is that a random distribution generates a negative value for cycle time, MTBF, MTTR, inter-arrival, etc.
Vincent Béchard, Eng., MASc.
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SNC-Lavalin, Industrial Division
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Old 01-30-2012
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Yeah you're right, we also consider that possibility, but particularly the problem was given like a described at the above post.

Last edited by Gutirallo; 01-30-2012 at 07:31 AM.
Old 06-27-2012
mearjun mearjun is offline
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Default Similar error.. peculiar situation..

Originally Posted by Vincent Bechard View Post

I think the most probable explanation is that a random distribution generates a negative value for cycle time, MTBF, MTTR, inter-arrival, etc.

How do I solve this problem then.. Its kind of peculiar. If I stop my model run at about 7307 items this error does not cause a problem. But if I run it for double the items it does not let me run till there.. I am inter-arrival time distributions according to time of day..
Old 06-28-2012
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put a maxof() function around it so maxof(0 , yourfunction) so your value is never negative
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Old 06-28-2012
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Same problem here with the source indicated as the taskexecuter.
Not sure what the problem is.
Old 06-28-2012
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Getting multiple "event time changed to present" warnings.
How do I get rid of those?
Model attached.
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File Type: zip (80.9 KB, 108 views)
Old 06-29-2012
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Hello Vadim,

your distributional function has in the interarrival time negative values, too.
use the method Steven has shown.

maxof(0, normal(20,10,2));// If the normal-function returns a negative value the maximum of 0 and the negative value is 0.

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advance, time

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