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Q&A Using Flexsim and building models

Old 10-03-2011
Esther Bennett Esther Bennett is offline
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Default Event log


I am a running with a lot of events (at least every time step) and quite a long duration.

When I enable event logging, I get the following error messages:

time: 2169996.578619exception: Exception caught in eventlogmanager::logevent()
time: 2169996.578619exception: Exception caught in linkedlist::receivemessage()
time: 2169996.578619exception: Exception Caught in FlexsimObject::execdelayedsendmessage(fsnode* involved, void * datastring) object: /Layout/Wharf6
time: 2169996.578619exception: Exception Caught in ObjectFunction201__project_library_FlexsimObject_b ehaviour_eventfunctions_OnTimerEvent object: /Layout/Wharf6 i: /Layout/Wharf6/Exp_FO6_7380 class: /Layout/Wharf6

time: 2169996.578619exception: Exception caught in eventlogmanager::logevent()
time: 2169996.578619exception: Exception caught in eventlogmanager::logevent()
time: 2169996.578619exception: Exception caught in linkedlist::receivemessage()
time: 2169996.578619exception: Exception caught in executive:rocesseventinlist(). Throwing.
time: 2169996.578619exception: Exception caught in executive::steptotime(). Throwing.
time: 2169996.578619exception: Exception caught in executive::tick(). Throwing.
time: 2169996.578619exception: int runthemessageloop() #4
exception: core->theexecutive.tick();
time: 2169996.578619exception: int runthemessageloop() #6

Can anyone shine a light on this problem?

Old 10-03-2011
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Phil BoBo Phil BoBo is offline
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The Event Log takes a lot of memory. It is possible that you ran out of memory, which caused the exception. If you are running for 2169996 with 2169996+ events logged, then the lack of memory is probably the problem.

Why are you using the Event Log? If you are looking for a specific problem and you know a general time frame, use the start/end times so that the event log is only logging the relevant time period.
The Following User Says Thank You to Phil BoBo For This Useful Post:
Esther Bennett (10-04-2011)

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