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Q&A Using Flexsim and building models

Old 10-28-2011
Lucie Lerivrey Lucie Lerivrey is offline
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Default Coordinated Task sequence and call sb tasks


I am tried to get a front loader to load a truck until it is full. The issue is that at the time that the tasksequence is created not all of the charge exists.
So I tried to use task sequences with a call sub task, in order to be able to evaluate the charge at the right time.
The principal part of the task sequence works fine, my problem is the sub taks (in On message trigger, where the sub task will be created and dispached). How do I point to the 2 allocated resources since I can´t reallocate them but I need their key the assign them new tasks?

How can it be done?
Attached is what I have so far (not working)
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File Type: fsm pruebaCC - copia.fsm (53.8 KB, 114 views)
Old 11-02-2011
Juan Segui Juan Segui is offline
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Hi Lucie,

I've set up this model. I decided to move away from the coordinated task sequence and just think of the job as three parts.

1) Get the Operator2 you are going to Load, into the transfer position. (So create a task sequence for that operator, and get him into state utilize whilst you are going to load him)

2) Get the First Operator (the one that is going to load) to carry the parts from the Queue and place them on the Operator2

3) When the operator is full (I've set it up so it gets 5 objects) create a task sequence for him to go and unload the parts into the destination.

This model will only work with a maximum capacity of the first Queue of 1. IF you increase that it will create a number of tasks and getting the Operator2.

That way you only need code in two places. One on the Request Transport from (Queue1) and the second one on the Operator2 message trigger.

Update: The solution is NOT bulletproof, it MUST require that the second operator reaches the transfer point, before the Operator1 brings the next box. This could be achieved by closing the output port of the Queue once the Operator2 starts its task sequence.
Attached Files
File Type: fsm Cargador.fsm (48.0 KB, 136 views)

Last edited by Juan Segui; 11-03-2011 at 02:34 AM.

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