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Q&A Using Flexsim and building models

Old 05-24-2008
qin tian qin tian is offline
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Default Can coordinated task sequence and "break to requirement" be used together?

Can coordinated task sequence and "break to requirement" be used together?

If so, then where will the "return tonum(returnts);" retrun to?
Old 05-26-2008
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Anthony Johnson Anthony Johnson is offline
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Right now Flexsim doesn't support a break task within a coordinated task sequence. We may add that feature in the future. If and when we do, the return value of the break to requirement would return a reference to the "Allocated" task sequence, or the allocation request, which would be found in the TE's regular task sequence queue (not in the "coordinatedtasks" queue).
The Following User Says Thank You to Anthony Johnson For This Useful Post:
qin tian (05-27-2008)

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