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Old 09-30-2011
Shahin Gelareh Shahin Gelareh is offline
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Default yard oepration

suppose there is only one vessel calling port on monday, then after the operation stopped from Mondat to sunday we do a relocation inside the yard.
we use as transport resources the same Trucks which was dispatched by TruckGang to relocate the boxes from the import area to the export area.
(does nto need to be logical but just excercise!)

Then there is an error like the following which is hard to understand. Moreover, the containers are stacked somewhere very irrelevant along an straight line.

First, my question is how to interpret the error message and how to do the oepration?

I attached the model to this post.sentToFlexim.fsm

time: 2023.679504exception: Exception caught in linkedlist::executememberfunctionwithexceptionhand ling() c++/dll execution. Throwing... MAIN:/project/model/Yard>variables/messagetrigger c: /Yard>variables/messagetrigger theclass: /Yard>variables/messagetrigger
time: 2023.679504exception: Exception Caught in FlexsimObject::OnMessage(fsnode *fromobject, double par1, double par2, double par3) object: /Yard
time: 2023.679504exception: Exception Caught in ObjectFunction210__project_library_FlexsimObject_b ehaviour_eventfunctions_OnMessage object: /Yard i: /Truck65 class: /Yard

Exception: searchareaweighted() id 1426
Exception: searcharea() id 1426
Error on yard message trigger case 11 at time 2024.310828
time: 2024.310828exception: Exception caught in linkedlist::executememberfunctionwithexceptionhand ling() c++/dll execution. Throwing... MAIN:/project/model/Yard>variables/messagetrigger c: /Yard>variables/messagetrigger theclass: /Yard>variables/messagetrigger
time: 2024.310828exception: Exception Caught in FlexsimObject::OnMessage(fsnode *fromobject, double par1, double par2, double par3) object: /Yard
time: 2024.310828exception: Exception Caught in ObjectFunction210__project_library_FlexsimObject_b ehaviour_eventfunctions_OnMessage object: /Yard i: /Truck65 class: /Yard



Last edited by Phil BoBo; 10-03-2011 at 11:53 AM. Reason: removed repetitious error messages
Old 09-30-2011
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There seems to be a problem with specifying an Area as the "To Block" in the Relocate Operation.

To fix this error, you should use multiple relocate operations, one for each block in the area you want to move to.
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Old 10-03-2011
Shahin Gelareh Shahin Gelareh is offline
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Thanks, I tried your suggestion.
There seems to problem still.
I set from Monday 7 to sunday do the relocation from export"i" to import"i". Also ading Gang as transport resource.

the error says "NULL was given a task sequence but is not a Dispatcher".

Well, the problem is that I cannot udnerstand the error message otherwise I would try to solve it by myself.

exception: Exception Caught in dispatchtasksequence(fsnode* tasksequence, fsnode* dispatcher DEFAULTNULL)
Error on yard message trigger case 6 at time 60.000000
exception: Exception caught in linkedlist::executememberfunctionwithexceptionhand ling() c++/dll execution. Throwing... MAIN:/project/model/Yard>variables/messagetrigger c: /Yard>variables/messagetrigger theclass: /Yard>variables/messagetrigger
exception: Exception Caught in FlexsimObject::OnMessage(fsnode *fromobject, double par1, double par2, double par3) object: /Yard
exception: Exception Caught in ObjectFunction210__project_library_FlexsimObject_b ehaviour_eventfunctions_OnMessage object: /Yard i: /Yard>labels/yardoperations/4 class: /Yard

Last edited by Phil BoBo; 10-03-2011 at 11:53 AM. Reason: removed repetitious error messages
Old 10-03-2011
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It would be much easier to tell you what is wrong if you would post the model.
Old 10-04-2011
Shahin Gelareh Shahin Gelareh is offline
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Thanks I attached it here.
I would very much like to learn how to interpret and understand the errors if that documented anywhere?

Attached Files
File Type: fsm sentToFlexim.fsm (417.8 KB, 132 views)
Old 10-10-2011
Shahin Gelareh Shahin Gelareh is offline
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any hope for support?
Old 10-10-2011
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You didn't specify a "Transport Resource" on one of the Relocate operations in your yard planner.

Hence, "NULL" (an unspecified resource) was given a task sequence (the relocate operation).

Also in your model, you are having exceptions thrown because you didn't specify an "Unstacking resource" in many of your Relocate operations.

You need to specify the required information in the GUI for the relocate operations if you want them to work.
Old 10-11-2011
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Thanks for support.
It is solved. but according to the page 133 of manual, even if leaving the unstacking blank still the default values are supposed to be considered.
Old 10-11-2011
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Thanks for pointing that out. We'll look into it.

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