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Q&A Using Flexsim and building models

Old 09-07-2011
arpit thakur arpit thakur is offline
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Red face Selectively synchronizing the operators.

Hi guys, I am curently working in a model in which 4 or more operators are working on 1 processor and all of them are doing different processes which can be done using tables and indicating them in idle or busy state.

The problem which i am facing is that suppose op1 has to wait after his nth operattion till op2 has finished his n+2th while op3 op4 and other operators keep on working.

But When i am using the sync command for n+2th opearation of op1 all opeartors are stopping at once for op 1

Can someone help me to incorporate these constraints all together

Last edited by arpit thakur; 09-07-2011 at 03:36 AM. Reason: misspelled
Old 09-26-2011
Jens Mühlheimer Jens Mühlheimer is offline
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I'm not sure whether I got you right.

You could use Op1's onReceive trigger and change his state after the nth item until Op2 sends a message to Op1 after his finished part to "reactivate" him.
Old 09-28-2011
Kris Geisberger Kris Geisberger is offline
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When dealing with multiple constraints like you mention, I usually find that using regular task sequences with CALLSUBTASKS and UTILIZE task types to be more flexible than a coordinated task sequence approach.

In case you are interested, I posted a library that can deal with synchronizing operator activities (however it does not use the approach I alluded to above).

opearors dependency, syc

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