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Q&A Using Flexsim and building models

Old 05-24-2011
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Question Simulating Distribution Center Taping Area

So I'm having an issue getting the right coding for my simulation and I'm hoping someone can help.

We have a taping area that all of our outbound cartons go through. In the simulation I put a processor in where our tapers would be located.

There are 4 lanes with tapers, plus 1 issue lane, and 1 over flow lane. For a total of 6 lanes.

I am able to get the cartons to divert to the right "taping" lanes but all the cartons stop at the processor. I know I'm missing something I just can't see what and/or where it is.

Can anyone help?

Thanks for your help
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Old 05-24-2011
Jason Lightfoot Jason Lightfoot is offline
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I think the Processors should be rotated 180 degrees to indicate better what's happening - and then Conveyors 54,55 and 56 are not connected to the processors.

After that you're using BasicConveyors and not the standard one, which means you're going to control the flowitem behaviour instead of letting the regular conveyor handle it. Is there a reason for that - you have no logic on the decision points....?
Old 05-25-2011
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Thanks Jason,
I didn't pay attention to which conveyor I was grabbing and then I just did a copy and past for the other three. Hmmmm changing to the regualr conveyor helped. Thank you

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