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Q&A Using Flexsim and building models

Old 08-07-2009
Jamie Santa Ana Jamie Santa Ana is offline
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Default 2 Teams of Operators, 1 Team Helps


I'm having difficulty trying to model this. Basically I have 2 teams (we'll call them A & B) of operators each with their own dispatcher. Each team operates on its own set of processes (A & B) respectively. I want Team A only to work on its own set of processes A. I want Team B to work on its own set of processes B, but to call on an operator from Team A for help only if there's an operator available. So Team A's priority would be its own set of processes A, but would help Team B if it has nothing else to do.

Any help would be appreciated, Thanks.
Old 08-07-2009
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You can connect all of the B operators to the A dispatch after you have connected the A operators and do the same for the B dispatcher. This will cause the dispatcer to try and send the task to one of the A operators first and the B operators second. Because the B operators are connected to the B dispatch first and the A second, they will get a task sequence from the B dispatch if there were task sequences waiting at both dispatchers.

Good Luck,
thats not normal.
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multiple teams, operator help

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