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-is there any way to add a button to the toolbar when you load a library without having to compile?. -i'm updating a library from 3.51 to 4.01 and there is a button that is added next to the control button that only appears after you compile when you load the library, now it is the only time when you need to compile now with the library and would like to set it so that you don't have to... any help will be greatly appreciated. Pablo Concha E. Last edited by Pablo Concha; 09-12-2007 at 11:11 AM. |
Could you possibly post or email the library to me so that I can test some flexscript commands with it? You don't have to give me the whole library, even just a stripped down version that included just the button that is created on the toolbar would be fine. You can either post the library or email it to [email protected] attn: Paul Thanks |
-here is the stripped version of the library, just left the button.. it's on newmodelinstall - Dropobject -i was thinking in changing the button to a menu so i can use the maintance command to refresh the menu, should that work??.. thanks for your reply. Pablo Concha E. |
The following command should reset the main toolbar using flexscript. Please let me know if it doesn't work for you. refreshview(node("active/1", views())); Thanks, Paul Toone |