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I build a pretty standard modell with the Fluid Lib just to give it a try. The Fluid Blender 3 stops also the two pipes leading to it are filled. So why ist the flow stopping? Are there bugs in the Blender? ![]()
regards Nico. |
I couldn't find a Fluid Blender 3 in your model but I will assume you were talking about Blender2. The Blender doesn't appear to stop. Look at the statistics for the blender and you will see them continue to move. I think it only looks like it isn't working because the color doesn't pulse like a pipe does. Regards, Brenton Flexsim Support |
ok it´s the Fluid Blender2, sorry for this. I don´t mind anything blinking in the modell, but if you look at the stats.... The two pipes in front of the blender are filled and the ports towards the blender are open. The content of the Blender is 0 and it is not receiving. I wonder why the receiving stops, because it has been working properly till a time of about 1400 s.
regards Nico. |
Sorry I did not catch your real problem the first time. "The Fluid Blender stops also the two pipes leading to it are filled. So why isn't the flow stopping?" That sounds like you were noticing fluid going in and out of the blender but the blender appeared to be stopped. I did notice your problem the second time through though. That is a known issue with the pipes. AJ new exactly what it was when I looked at it with him. (He created the fluid library) He said that it is already fixed in a later version that we don't have yet... He gave us a work around though which is to put the following code into your downstream object's "Adjust Output Rates" field. treenode pipe1 = inobject(current,1); treenode pipe2 = inobject(current,2); if (getvarnum(pipe1, "accumulated")<0) { setvarnum(pipe1, "accumulated",0); } if (getvarnum(pipe2, "accumulated")<0) { setvarnum(pipe2, "accumulated",0); } Hope this will work for you until we can get the next release out. You can, of course, modify this code so that it is flexible for any situation by putting in a for loop and have it go through the input ports. Regards, Brenton Flexsim Support |