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Q&A Using Flexsim and building models

Old 08-25-2008
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Shankar Narayan Shankar Narayan is offline
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Default Voice-to-cart sim model

Can the Flexsim gurus out there suggest an approach to simulating a voice-to-cart operation? Basically the operation calls for tasks queued to pick resources who in turn must use a mobile cart to go around picking items into the cart, exactly like the voice in their head () tells them to. Tasks execution stops if there are no more items to pick or the cart is full. I am interested in simulating the communication between host system - RF terminal (worn by operator) - headset as well as the interaction between headset - operator - cart. The metric to be proved is the overall operational throughtput in the facility using voice-directed picking including communication times and total cycle times.

Any and all help is seriously appreciated by the voice in my head

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