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Q&A Using Flexsim and building models

Old 08-20-2008
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Default To Sleep, to sleep but not to dream.

Hello all,
First thank you all for your excellent advise in the past. It's great to have people who can point you in the right direction! I'm experiencing some issues with a code block that I've created to animate an item in one of my models. The issue is that the C++ code built in checker that comes with the Flexsim package (here I assume this is not a derivative of the downloaded C++ express edition add on.) gives a specific error:
"The Function Sleep is not recognized." Find the code below. Is there another way to create a pause without getch? I've included a link to the MSDN help web site below that gives an example of the sleep function. I believe as I'm new to C++ that "sleep" is a valid function?? Perhaps I'm wrong
/**Clausen: Redraw for Roll Stand Animation*/
treenodeitem = parnode(1);
treenodecurrent = ownerobject(c);
//for(startExpression; testExpression; countExpression)
// block of code; "Pull" as defined in Global variables.

double x = - 18.74; //Roll Stand original position
for(x=yloc(Pull); x <= -13.9; x--) // For next count down logic
sleep(2000); // Pause for the human eye.


--- Thought for the day --
"Reality.sys missing: universe halted."
Old 08-20-2008
Alex Christensen Alex Christensen is offline
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sleep is a valid C++ function, but you are trying to use it with Flexscript, an interpreted C++-like language with many functions. You can see documentation about all the functions in Flexscript by going to Help>Commands in the main menu. If you want to use C++ commands that are not available in Flexscript, like sleep, you will have to select the C++ radio button on the bottom of a code edit window, press OK, press OK in the parameters or properties window, then hit F2 (or go to Build>Compile Model... in the main menu).

You'll have to have a compiler configured correctly in the start menu Flexsim Compiler Configurator. You can download a free express version of Microsoft Visual C++ from, but you will have to configure it in the compiler configurator to Visual C++ Express 2008, not Visual Studio 2008 (Standard or Professional).

A better way to make a delay in a Flexsim model would be to use the Flexscript command senddelayedmessage. Go to Help>Commands in the main menu for more info.
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William Clausen (08-20-2008)
Old 08-20-2008
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You rock! thank you for your help. As always I owe you! Hope to see you this October for Flex-symposium!

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