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Gripes and Goodies Software problems and suggestions

Old 05-05-2008
Jan Brandau Jan Brandau is offline
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Default Gripes of Flexsim 4.32

Hello everyone!

I came across two problems in Version 4.32.

At first I am missing the modulo operator for integer value. In the documentation it says, that one can use "%", but this always gives me an error:
Flexscript Error VIEW:/active/scriptinputconsole108925808/script>curtext line 5 invalid character <%> ascii = 37
Flexscript Error VIEW:/active/scriptinputconsole108925808/script>curtext line 5 syntax error, unexpected integer, expecting ';'
Could not finish parsing because of previous errors.
I then changed to the "fmod()"-function, but with this one can not use integer values, or otherwise the compiler will complain that it is ambiguous.

Second I ran across a problem with the settings of Global Variables with the function "fillarray. What I did is this. I changed to "Make all code C++" for the first time. Then some of my Global Variables showed vaules around 11731774932502602000000000000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000000000.000000 AFTER setting them to 0.0 with the help of fillarray in the "OnRunStart" Function. When I only used Flexscript this problem did not occur. This can be seen in the picture.
The funny thing is, that some values in the array are right and some are not. I worked around that with a while-loop. When I tried to reproduce it, the function worked fine. What you see in the picture is an old model version.

Hope this helps!


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Old 05-05-2008
Dustin Derrick Dustin Derrick is offline
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The reason why the % doesn't work is because it is not a current part of Flexscript. If the documentation says otherwise this is probably a typo that has not been corrected since our switch from C++ to Flexscript. However, I am not seeing the same problem with the fmod command. It seems to work fine for me. Do you have an example of the code that is not working? As for your second question, I am not sure what could be happening, maybe if you could put together a sample model displaying the problem that we could look at it might clarify the question.

Dustin Derrick
Flexsim Support
Old 05-06-2008
Jan Brandau Jan Brandau is offline
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Hello Dustin!

I solved my problems with the fmod()-function. It occurred, because I tried to give it integer values:
if (fmod(photoeye,2) == 1){...}
Actually the function works if you write:
if (fmod(photoeye,2.0) == 1.0){...}
Regarding the other problem...I worked around it and now I am not able to reproduce it quickly. Maybe I look into it later on this month and post a sample model.

Thank you for your help!


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