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Hi guys,
in the model attached below, 2 operators transport the Items fom Queue1 to Processor 1 and Proessor 2 which use an operator to do the process, and then they transport the Items to Queue2. In some cases, the operator unload the Item to the Processor and instead of processing he returns to the Queue1 and transport another Item to the second Processor... I would like the operators to do the operation from Queue1-Processor1/2-Queue2 without interruption. I tried ti increase the Priority of the "Processind task" and the "Tansport task" from Processors to Queue2, but it doesn't work. Is there a trick or I need to create a new Tasksequence ? Thanks for your help Simon |
Hi Simon,
there are more ways to do, what you want. The most simple would be to create the whole Task Sequence at the first queue for the whole process, but this meens you have too know everything in advance. This is a more solid way: - OnLoad trigger of operators saves Operators ID on FlowItems label CurOPID, so it knows who has to work on it. - I changed the standard TS of the first queue and added a utilizetask, which makes the operator stay at the same processor and doesn´t allow him to take new Task Sequences from the dispatcher. - In the Operators field of the processors, I returned a "0" in the Pick Operator field, telling the processor that somewhere else is taken control on that. This is done on the queue using the utilizetask. - OnProcessFinish, I created the Task Sequence for the last transport directly on the operator I want to use (read it from the items label) and after that I release the operator (freeoperators), so there is no chance for another tasksequence to get in between. This is also the weakness of this way doing it: I have to know the port the item needs to be send through at this point. This is easy for your model, since there is only one option but of course could get difficult with more complex models. Hope that helped. Best wishes Ralf aka ralle |