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Q&A Using Flexsim and building models

Old 03-22-2008
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Default Fun Roller Coaster Model!

A new Flexsim Display model of a roller coaster has been posted in the Downloads section. It has fantastic 3D virtual reality graphics plus interesting ride control parameters that can be adjusted by the user to try and reduce the passenger waiting times. For anyone who's had to wait in line at an amusement park, this model will have special appeal. Thanks to Brenton King for the nice work! You can follow this link.
Old 03-22-2008
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Thanks for this nice Easter-Egg.
This model is just fantastic and I really like the visualization. The guys in the model are also raising their arms during their ride. That’s just great.
I am sure this is a model which you can show your kids and they will like it.
In my eyes, this model proves that simulation is fun, even in the “serious” logistics environment.

Thanks for sharing this amazing, fantastic and great model. You are the man!
tom the (A)tom
tom the (A)tom: "We have solved our problems ... now we have to fight the solutions."
Old 04-01-2008
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Thanks Tom, I'm glad that you enjoyed it. It was a fun model to build plus it has some interesting concepts in it. I'm glad you noticed that they raise their arms as they go down the big drop that was a fun touch.
Old 04-08-2008
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Default Supermarket Model

I just posted another Flexsim Display model. It's a very cool supermarket shopping model that Brenton and Paul created that I converted into an official Flexsim Display model. Check it out here
Old 04-08-2008
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Oops, I "protected" the meat slicer object at the Deli in the Supermarket which kept it from animating like it should. I also improved the queue spacing in front of the Deli. The new model is available for download now.

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