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What's new in Flexsim 4.32
Flexsim 4.32 is a minor release. No new features have been added. Fixes for this release include: - Fixed an issue with the Experimenter variables where the browse button would not work properly if multiple experiment variables had the same name.
- Fixed an issue with the importtable command, where extra rows/columns were being created unnecessarily.
- Fixed a problem with the #define statement, where you could not have tabs after the #define, only spaces. Also, global macros required a carriage return after the last line. This has been fixed.
- The menu option Build|Make all code C++ will now skip any guis in the model.
- Provided more error checking for re-ranking in the tree. The user can no longer accidentally rerank the model.
- Fixed an issue with the Cancel button not working properly on the Graphical Editor of time tables.
- Fixed various errors in the help manual.
- Fixed a problem where the stop time would not work properly if there was an experimenter in the model.
- Fixed a problem on the Flexsim startup wizard where if you uncheck the box then press cancel, it didn't apply the checkbox properly.
- Fixed a graphical memory leak on graph views. If graph views were open long enough, Flexsim's windowing system would become corrupted and you'd have to kill Flexsim
- Added an error message if the user tries to repeat random number streams while the Experimenter is active.
- Fixed the getnetnodeoutport() command. Before this command did not work properly in flexscript.
- Fixed a copy/paste problem in tables. Copy/paste should now work properly in table views, for both single cells and for table ranges (if you Shift-select the range then press Ctrl-C).
- Fixed the screen locked billboard feature to show in the perspective view (unfortunately you can't move the object around in the perspective view like you can in the ortho view, I still need to figure out how to do that).
- Fixed a coldlink issue with the VisualTool locations not applying properly.
- Fixed a problem with the Experimenter's new Performance Measure report. The confidence interval was not drawn correctly for very small confidence intervals (less than 0.01)
- Fixed a problem with timed hasp keys not working on a certain day in February (on a leap year).