What's new in Flexsim 4.30
The following features were included in the version 4.3 release (February 2008) - The following commands have been added to the command list: asin, acos, angle, bitwiseand, bitwisenot, bitwiseor, mpt, mpf, mpd, mpr, modeldir, currentfile, truncatemediapath, documentsdir, commandlineparam, getpath, getrunstate, windowstyle, keyboardfocus, getdirbrowse, drawshadow, glBegin, glEnd, glVertex3d, glRotated, glTranslated, glScaled, glLoadIdentity, glMatrixMode, glPushMatrix, glPopMatrix, glColor3d, glNormal3d, glPointSize, glLineWidth, glEnable, glDisable, glIsEnabled, glPushAttrib, glPopAttrib, glTexCoord2d, drawbox, flyendnode, flyactive, flyupdate, viewtofile, avi, textureaxis_s, textureaxis_t, mediapath, mediafile, embedfile, wmp, randstate, filereadline, endoffile, dbusername, excelsave, backupfile, distcutoff, openflexsimchart, sendwindowmessage, getviewhwnd, excelrangereadstr, excelrangereadnum, excelrangewritestr, excelrangewritenum, getproperty, setproperty, fileisreadonly, getapplicationtitle, setapplicationtitle, socketx, mesh, cubemap, simexec, trackpopup, copycolor, createglobaltasksequence, documentusercommands, emptyfluidobject, getnetnode, getnetnodespline, getnetworkdistance, getnextparametersobject, getnextnetnode, getnextnetnodeoutport, gettenetnode, getutilizedobject, inititem, isedgeforward, netnodefromrank, rankfromnetnode, addsystemcontrolleritem, getlinecontrollerdata, getreportnum, notifylinecontroller, updatereport.
- The Performance Measures tab of the Experimenter has been redesigned. Experiment reports should be easier to analyze and more data can be gathered and aggregated.
- Auto-completion hints have been added for the scintilla code editor and the template code editor.
- By default, all models will now be saved in My Documents\Flexsim 4 Projects\.
- Model media paths can now be relative to the model directory, making models much more portable.
- Some adjustments have been made to the presentation builder, making it take up less desktop real estate.
- The AVI maker can now automatically run a fly path when it starts avi creation.
- TaskExecuters now keep a statistic on their total travel distance, as well as time blocked on the network (STATE_BLOCKED).
- The Model Documentation feature is much more useful now. By default, model documentation will only document those values that have been changed in the objects of the model. It is also printed in much more readable html.
- TaskExecuters now have a "flip threshold" that can be customized by the user. If the TE comes to a junction point in the network and must turn past the its "flip threshold" then the TE will "flip" and travel backwards. This can be used in building agv models where the agvs can travel backward and forward.
- Modification to the bottom panel to add quick buttons for setting model stop time and run speed.
- Various modifications of menus and guis for ease of use.
- Lifo option in the object.
- The sky box feature has been removed because it doesn't work in the orthographic view, and the VisualTool can provide basically the same functionality.
- The visual tool parameters window has been changed to hopefully make it more intuitive. Also a feature has been added to lock the visual tool to a location on the screen.
- Added a set of network access commands for accessing network node data (commands mentioned above).
- Better support for developers to connect external dlls that run on a different thread in order to: listen to hardware, serve as an activex control for another application, act as a web server, etc. This has no documentation at the moment, but please contact [email protected] for more information.
- Support for Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Express Edition (We have discontinued support for Visual Studio .Net 2002 and 2003, so if you use C++ and have these older versions, you can download the 2008 Express Edition from Microsoft's web site).
- The speed of the senddelayedmessage() command has been improved. This may result in a slightly improved model run speed if your models rely heavily on sending delayed messages.
- Task sequence queue sorting is now done on resource availability instead of on task sequence dispatch. This allows for a dispatcher's queue strategy to be much more useful.
- The TaskExecuter now has an OnResourceAvailable trigger that will fire whenever the TaskExecuter finishes a task sequence.
- Model Load, Run Start, and Run Stop triggers have been added.
- Find/Replace functionality added to the scintilla code editor.
- Keyboard access to several menu functions, including compile, reset, run, pause, model open, new, save, and run speed changing.
- Various Flexsim Chart features, including the ability to save a chart template file.
- Changes to better import/export from csv files for foreign csv separators/number formats.
- Fixed some graphical problems with Windows Vista.
- Various documentation improvements.
- Colored brace highlighting of code.
- There can now be an unlimited number of random number streams (streams above 99 should be explicitly initialized with randinit).
Last edited by Cliff King; 03-16-2008 at 11:38 AM.