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Q&A Using Flexsim and building models

Old 04-16-2016
Xing Zhang
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Default wait for task

Can someone give an example to show how TASKTYPE_WAITFORTASK been used?
It would be better if it is a complete task sequence including this type of task.
Old 04-16-2016
Jing Chen
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Hi Zhang,
As I know, there is not TASKTYPE_WAITFORTASK in FlexSim. Is it a User Macro in someone's model?
Old 04-17-2016
Xing Zhang
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Thanks for your reply, Chen.
It's a Flexsim(I use Flexsim2016) task type, the explanation as below:
This task type is used if you don't yet have any new tasks to give the object, but you want to disallow the object from finishing the task sequence until you do have tasks to give it. The object will simply wait until the next task is added to the task sequence, and then will finish this task.
involved1 Should be NULL.
involved2 Should be NULL.
var1 Here you can optionally pass a state that you want the object to go into. If 0, STATE_IDLE will be used.
var2-var4 Not used. Pass 0.

Example inserttask(ts, TASKTYPE_WAITFORTASK, NULL, NULL);

But I still don't know how to use it.
Old 04-18-2016
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Hi Xing,

I just tried to make a simple model with the "wait for task" type, not sure on what situation it is used.
My observations are:-

When we are using "wait for task" type, if a task is not succeeding the wait for task type then the current task sequence is not dispatched or completed. But, new task sequences can get added to the task sequence queue node in the task executor and the task executor will not start doing the new task sequences.

On the other hand, when a task is added after "wait for task" type the task sequence is completed and the task executor will start executing new task sequences.

In the attached model, I have used a flag table value for demonstrating the above mentioned.


Arun KR
Attached Files
File Type: fsm Test Wait for Task.fsm (17.0 KB, 388 views)

Last edited by arunkrmahadeva; 04-18-2016 at 01:34 AM. Reason: add info
The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to arunkrmahadeva For This Useful Post:
Xing Zhang (04-19-2016)

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