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Old 03-23-2016
carlo timossi
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Default How to avoid the crane hook going to the "lift height" for each loading/unloading operation

Hi guys, I've noted that for each loading or unloading operation the crane hook goes to the "lift height" also when there is no need: in order to avoid this problem I've tried to replace the tasktype_load/tasktype_unload with the sequence of task tasktype_traveltoloc (only along z direction), tasktype_moveobject and tasktype_delay. The last task delay has been added in order to take into account the "load time" and "unload time" shown in the crane GUI.
At the moment I've used a fixed time, but I'd want to link to the fields "load time" and "unload time" of the crane GUI, however having replaced the tasktype_load/tasktype_unload with the above seen sequence of tasks, I cannot use these fields:I'd want to know how to get those information or if there are other ways in order to solve this problem.
Thank You very much in advance for Your support.
Old 03-23-2016
Kris Geisberger Kris Geisberger is offline
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The "Lift Radius" property on the crane is designed to save you from all your custom TS efforts. It is located to the right of Lift Height.

In case Lift Radius does not work for you, assuming you are in the Transport Resource code of the sending object:

double loadtime = nodefunction(getvarnode(crane,"loadtime"),item,current);
double unloadtime = nodefunction(getvarnode(crane,"unloadtime"),item,outobject(current,port));
Note that these times will be evaluated at the time of writing the TS. Also, this approach will not work if you send the TS to a dispatcher and thus do not know which crane will be used. TASKTYPE_CALLSUBTASKS would be of use in that case.
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Old 03-23-2016
carlo timossi
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Thank You for Your prompt answer I'll verify immediately: really I didn't understand well the working of the "Lift Radius" property.
Old 03-23-2016
Kris Geisberger Kris Geisberger is offline
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If the next travel location is less than [Lift Radius] XY distance from the crane's current location, it will not lift before travel.
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Sebastian Hemmann (03-25-2016)
Old 03-23-2016
Axel Kohonen
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Do you know if there is some similar property for the ASRSvehicle or some way to make it happen? So that one could do many pickups from the depth of a rack without the ASRS vehicle extension always coming all the way out in between picking up two items in the same rack.

Old 03-24-2016
Kris Geisberger Kris Geisberger is offline
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At this point I don't believe there is. I would write a single task sequence to move all items, foregoing the extension altogether, using:

assuming the ASRS travels along X
x: xcenter(pickupstation)
y: ycenter(ASRS) to prevent the extension
z: zloc(pickupstation) + zsize(pickupstation)
Note: before this task you will need to set the "forkresetheight" variable on the ASRS to the same z location using either setvarnum(ASRS,"forkresetheight",z) or TASKTYPE_SETNODENUM.

to determine how many items are available to load once the ASRS is at the pick location

to represent load time

to move the items into the ASRS

the unload sequence is similar

I have attached a solution in Process Flow v2016. Although it is not the same as the callsubtasks approach since the ASRS requires maxcontent items before it moves, but that could be changed easily.

actually, z: zcenter(pickupstation) would have looked better in my example
Attached Files
File Type: fsm ASRS transport multiple items.fsm (29.5 KB, 258 views)

Last edited by Kris Geisberger; 03-25-2016 at 11:06 PM. Reason: final thought
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