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Q&A Using Flexsim and building models

Old 09-11-2015
Cindy Azuero
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Default Problems with replications


I am running a model with 25 replications but I've notice that some of them still remain partly in red as if they do not continue running. Also I note that the experiment run stops and do not end all the replications but the program still works. I attach an image of the experiment run stays for more than an hour. Why this happens?
Attached Thumbnails
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Name:	Imagen modelo q no termina de correr.PNG
Views:	258
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ID:	3019  
Old 09-11-2015
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On the Scenario tab, in the top-right corner, you can set the model to a specific default reset scenario.

On the Advanced tab, you can set the model to repeat streams of a specific replication.

Using these two options, you can set your model to run a specific Scenario/Replication combination.

Run your model with the scenario/replication combination that is causing the problem and maybe you'll find out why your model is not completing. Perhaps you have an infinite loop of events being created in 0 time, or perhaps you've thrown an exception, or some other error case.

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