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Q&A Using Flexsim and building models

Old 03-12-2008
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Default Get view reference

Maybe this is a simple question. Is there an easy way to get the treenode reference of view that is just created by using createview() command? The createview() returns a NULL.

This could be useful if we want to manipulate the created view using code, for example, setting the locations of the view.

Old 03-12-2008
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You can get a reference to the last node in VIEW:/active after you've created the view to get a handle on it. There may be better ways to do this, but this way works.

treenode newview = last(node("/1",views()));
Old 03-12-2008
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This is another way to actually change the view's data before you open it. This could lead to problems though if you change a standard view: everywhere that Flexsim opens that view will use the values you set until you close Flexsim and reopen it.

string viewpath = "VIEW:/standardviews/modeltree";
treenode viewnode = node(viewpath);
Old 03-13-2008
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Thanks very much. This is very helpful! If createview() can return a reference, that could be a better way.

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