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Old 05-30-2015
Erwin Khoo
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Default reference to the item in other object(Q)

Hi all,

other than first(), last(), rank(), are there any other ways to refer to the flow item in the object like queue.


Old 05-30-2015
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sagar bolisetti is a jewel in the roughsagar bolisetti is a jewel in the roughsagar bolisetti is a jewel in the roughsagar bolisetti is a jewel in the rough

Hello Erwin,

Prev() and next() are the other commands used to refer to the flow item.Please see the description and Example in the help file.
Old 05-30-2015
Erwin Khoo
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Hi Sagar,

thank for reply,
ermm.. is there any other ways ?
please advise


Old 05-30-2015
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every reference to an object can you convert to a number by the command tonum(thing). Then you can store this value for example in a label, a table cell and so on. Whenever you need a reference to this object, wherever the object exists in the model, you convert it back to a node by the command tonode(num value) . You get a reference to the object. The object can be an item, too. But the reference exists even if the item has gone into a sink.

If you store the number in a table you can add further attributes in the table to identify your item reference.

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