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FlexSim HC: Q&A Questions about FlexSim Healthcare

Old 03-15-2015
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Default Writing to Shift Schedule Table

I'm trying to write to the Shift Time Table via a command.
In FlexSim
treenode Table = node("MODEL:/Tools/TimeTables/Schedule_1>variables/table",model());
Works to set the table value (Print command for extra debug)
but in HC it doesn't
Old 04-23-2015
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FlexSim GP added the MODEL path descriptive in a recent update which HC hasn't adopted yet. In either case, you are over-defining the path by typing model() for the second parameter of the node() command. For some reason it still works, but probably shouldn't. The node() command only needs the second parameter if the first parameters specifies a path that doesn't start with the root descriptives of MAIN, VIEW. The MODEL descriptive replaces "MAIN:/project/model".

Here are four different ways to get a reference to the shift schedule table in HC:
treenode Table = node("MAIN:/project/model/Tools/TimeTables/Schedule_1>variables/table");
treenode Table = node("/Tools/TimeTables/Schedule_1>variables/table", model());
treenode Table = node(">variables/table", Schedule_1);
treenode Table = getvarnode(Schedule_1, "table");
Note: the last two options only work in HC because HC automatically creates global pointers to objects using the name of the object.
The Following User Says Thank You to Cliff King For This Useful Post:
mefhsmflexsimbr (04-23-2015)

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