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Q&A Using Flexsim and building models

Old 11-11-2014
Graca Silva
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Question Go to coordinates?

I'm sorry that this is problably such a simple question but, I cannot find it in the manual or the forum and it is bugging me, how do I get to a location if I have the coordinates? I know you can save views but this is not always what I want.

For example, I have made a setloc on an object but then the object disappeared, I zoomed out and I saw where it went but sometimes this is not enough, isn't there a way to jump to coordinates if you know them?
Old 11-11-2014
mark.gormley mark.gormley is offline
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this isn't an exact answer to your question, it is possible to do what you are asking (through code), but this may be more what you are looking for:

From the view menu you can open up the Find Objects panel. In there you can search or filter to find the relevant object then press "Center in View" to focus the 3D window on it.
This also has a similar effect when looking at the model tree
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Old 11-11-2014
michaelsmith michaelsmith is offline
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The Set Camera Direction command will let you designate the view (sv()) and then tell the camera/view where to point if you still need to jump around.

setcameradirection (obj view, num x, num y, num z, num rx, num ry, num rz)
Sets the viewpoint direction of the 3D view
Set the viewpoint direction of an orthographic or perspective view. (x,y,z) is the location of the focus point of the camera. (rx, ry, rz) is the rotation of the camera. The associated view attribute names are: viewpointx, viewpointy, viewpointradius, viewpointrx, viewpointry, viewpointrz respectively.
setcameradirection(sv(), 0, 0, 0, -40, 0, 25);
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Old 11-12-2014
Graca Silva
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Thanks mark.gormley and michaelsmith, I realized I have some trouble reading the axis in the model and was actually looking more for a point where small flowitems were being "disappeared into" so this setcameradirection should be what I need.

coordinates, location

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