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Q&A Using Flexsim and building models

Old 10-16-2014
achuta kalidindi achuta kalidindi is offline
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Default Is it possible to show a single state chart for a group of processors ?


I have a situation where I am looking at each individual process step in a station, I am representing each process step as a processor. So if I have 5 process steps in a station, I have 5 processors, the combination of which is a station.

I am trying to represent the utilization of this station and for that I am gathering the state data of all five stations and manually calculating the total utilization in excel, I wanted to ask if it is possible to do this within Flexsim

Thank you..
Old 10-16-2014
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sagar bolisetti is a jewel in the roughsagar bolisetti is a jewel in the roughsagar bolisetti is a jewel in the roughsagar bolisetti is a jewel in the rough

Hi Achuta,

Yes it is possible to report all of them as a combined entity. The first step is to assign all 5 processors into a single “Group”.In the next step you can use Groups utility within the experimenter .Here you set up a performance measure that uses that group by choosing “State percentage by group” and select the state you want to measure.

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Old 10-16-2014
achuta kalidindi achuta kalidindi is offline
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Thank you Sagar, that was very helpful. I am able to view the combined utilization now!!!

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