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Q&A Using Flexsim and building models

Old 10-10-2014
Simon Jutz Simon Jutz is offline
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Default For-loop between global tables

Hi all!

I want to update a specific global table (Demand_x) each time a replication in the Experimenter starts. The update comes from other global tables that are defined in the model (Demand_1, Demand_2,...).

In the "Start of Replication"-Trigger of the Advanced Tab in the Experimenter I put:

double replication = parval(1);
double scenario = parval(2);
	for (int period=1; period<=gettablerows("Demand_1"); period++)
	for (int product=1; product<=gettablecols("Demand_1"); product++)
	settablenum("Demand_x",period,product, gettablenum("Demand_1",period,product));
This code updates me my global table "Demand_x" with the input data from "Demand_1". But I have ten other global tables (Demand_2,..., Demand_10) that should be used for updating "Demand_x" each time a replication starts.

How can I realize this? I thought of entering another 'for-loop' that loops between the global tables but I don't know how.

Thank you very much for your advice!
Old 10-10-2014
Jason Lightfoot Jason Lightfoot is offline
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Do you want to aggregate the 10 demand profiles into one table?

If so, what do you want to do with the replications? If all the replications are reading from Demand_x, why not do that on start of experiment?

If you just want to agregate them based on the table name you could use this:

int numdemandtables=10;
for (int demand=1;demand<=numdemandtables;demand++) {
	treenode demandtable=reftable(concat("Demand_",numtostring(demand)));
	for (int period=1; period<=gettablerows(demandtable); period++)
		for (int product=1; product<=gettablecols(demandtable); product++)
			inc(gettablecell("Demand_x",period,product), gettablenum(demandtable,period,product));
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Old 10-10-2014
Simon Jutz Simon Jutz is offline
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Thank you Jason!

In my model I have different scenarios and I want to test these scenarios under different demand patterns. That's why I want to replicate my model several times.

I came myself to a solution (it is not very nice and maybe nasty but at least it seems that it works out):

double replication = parval(1);
double scenario = parval(2);
string Tablename;
	Tablename = concat("Demand_",numtostring(replication));
		for (int period=1; period<=gettablerows(Tablename); period++)
			for (int product=1; product<=gettablecols(Tablename); product++)

I am using the replication pointer that counts each time a replication is performed and change it to a string. Not very nice but doable.

But this is only a workaround of my original problem. I wanted my original global table "Demand_x" to update ITSELF before a replication is done. I don't want to replace the data by other data from another global table. This is done by my workaround now.
I want the Experimenter to generate, each time a repliacation starts, a new demand profile (e.g. generally distributed, 15 products, 5000 periods) by a random number generator. Where do I have to code this? Again in the "Start of replication" trigger? Are there any examples, where I can get an idea of how this code might look?

Thank you very much!

Old 10-11-2014
Simon Jutz Simon Jutz is offline
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Again, I found a solution to my above stated problem:

For each replication in the Experimenter I wanted to generate a new demand pattern for my model. Here is the code:

double replication = parval(1);
double scenario = parval(2);
treenode NumberofReplication = node("/Tools/Experimenter/NumberOfRunsPerScenario", model());
int R = getnodenum(NumberofReplication);
int i = replication;
for(i=1; i<=R; i++)
	for (int period=1; period<=gettablerows("Demand"); period++)
		for (int product=1; product<=gettablecols("Demand"); product++)
Maybe somebody is in need of something similar...

Have fun!
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Old 04-02-2015
David Chan David Chan is offline
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I was trying to do likewise, but I want to update the pattern by the scenario.

It seems the value of scenario is not functioning. Any ideas?

Currently I used a Global Variable as variable and assign a value to it. Though it works, but just to check anything wrong with the scenario variables at the Start of Run of Experiment.
Advent2 Labs

Last edited by David Chan; 04-02-2015 at 01:13 AM. Reason: Startofrun, scenario

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