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Q&A Using Flexsim and building models

Old 07-25-2014
AndreeaAdda AndreeaAdda is offline
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Default Task sequence, flowitems and shapes.

I am working on a model where I would like to combine custom task sequences with the standard ones. I have an operator that loads some flowitems into a processor just by "A" connections, and the rest of the commands are done with custom task sequence, but after a whole cycle finishes, I would like the operator to go and load again the same number of flowitems into the same processor. Is there a way for me not to write a custom code when he has to do that again?
And how can I set a source to create an exact number of flowitems at a time, continuously, without a limit of arrivals?
For example, I have 9 flowitems on a bench, and after all 9 are transported, I would like for the source to generate 9 more, and so on.
Also, is there any way to duplicate a flowitem only visually? Like the operator loads one flowitem into a processor, but two appear instead.
Oh, and one last question. What format do the flowitem shapes have to be? I tried importing a .wrl but nothing appears.
I am rather new to FlexSim, sorry for all the questions, and thank you.
Old 07-26-2014
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Hello Andreea
1)If the use transport is checked this function returns a reference to the operator that will be used to move the flowitem.The Usetransport will do same thing as Tasksequence example.When you check this "Use Transport" field on a Flow tab page, the following task sequence is created.1)Travel to the object 2)Load the item from that object 3)Break4)Travel to the destination object 4)Unload the item to the destination object.Your task can be achieved through standard task sequence.The question of custom tasksequence arises only if the operator has something different to do from the above standard task sequence.

2)You keep a queue before the source and enable Perform batching it stores flowitems into a batch before releasing them downstream.But the downstream object and operator should also have a capacity of 9 to receive flowitems

3)For your third question.It can be achieved by using createcopy command.I have attached a model.May be someone has a better solution compared to this.And one more method to achieve this to change the processor maximum content to 2 and double its processtime.In this way two flow items will appear on the processor and stay till its processtime is completed

4)Flexsim supports lot of formats.See the manual for further information.You can import Wrl files by going to Tools ->FlowitemBin.In the Quick properties by default it will be in base frame.Press(+) sign to select the shape frame and import your 3d file and also see setframe() command in the manual.

Attached Files
File Type: fsm createcopy.fsm (21.5 KB, 44 views)

Last edited by sagar bolisetti; 07-27-2014 at 04:46 AM.
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Old 07-27-2014
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importing vrml formats (*.wrl) depends on the version you use. Vrml 2.0 consists of an animation data. Vrml 1.0 is a static shape. This data can you use in Flexsim.
Some MCAD programs exports by default vrml 2.0. Then you have to change the parameter options.


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