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Q&A Using Flexsim and building models

Old 02-14-2008
Vinay Mehendiratta Vinay Mehendiratta is offline
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Default How does a Simulation Engine work ?

I am just curious to know how does simulation engine work behind the scene ? does some body have literature related to this area ?

what is the architecture of a simulation engine ?
i am definitely not going to try to build one. just curious.
Old 02-14-2008
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There's an excellent book titled "Simulation Modeling & Analysis" 4th Edition 2007 by Averill M. Law that explains everything you would ever want to know (and some things you don't want to know) about simulation including a detailed look behind the scenes at a simulation engine. This book is often referred to as "the bible" of simulation.
Old 02-14-2008
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I have the book. It is really a good one for discrete event simulation modeling.

You could also Google "discrete event simulation". A lot of good introductory materials can be found. Just list a few:

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