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Q&A Using Flexsim and building models

Old 01-12-2014
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Default Inserting and pulling from rack

Hello forum!!

I am trying to do the following:

from a queue, my items are using an asrs in order to be placed in racks. Each item has a label named "code". The next thing i want is objects to come out of the rack, in another queue, BUT according to some list that the queue generates itself (for example the list can be: 1 item of code "1", 3 items of code "2" etc...)... In addition to that i would like the Asrs to carry items both going and coming, in order to save thansportation time...

Any ideas?

Thank you in advance!!
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Version 4.5_2

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Old 01-12-2014
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Can you expalin the question?
Old 01-13-2014
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I want that my rack receives from somewhere a list created according to label "code" and that it sends those items in the queue.
I do not know who should create the list or how it can be done! ...

Version 4.5_2

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Old 01-13-2014
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Hello Eleni,

the pull requirement is a special function inside flexsim. It test all items which the previous objects could send, defined in PULL STRATEGY. The pull requirement function contains already the reference to one item that a previous object could send. You have to decide if you want that advised item to be pulled or not. You don't have to find yourself the items which are tested. You must only decide which criteria should match. If they match to the advised item you return a logical true in the pull requirement. If they don't match you return a logical false.
The function is called on all items one by one which the object can pull.

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Old 01-13-2014
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Dear Jörg,

thank you for explaining the pull logic. After some more reading in the users manual, it is definitely clearer!

So just to be clear: when i set my pull strategy, the upstream items are going to come in a FiFo order ?

Version 4.5_2

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Old 01-14-2014
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Hello Eleni
To be more specific read Anthony's comments
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asrs, pull, racks

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