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FlexSim HC: Product Announcements Product Announcements for FlexSim Healthcare |
Oops, it looks like we forgot to announce the last three releases of the software. The current version of the software is 4.3 and here is a list of the changes made over the last three releases:
Version 4.3 (November 2013) New Features 1. Updated help files 2. The "Based on condition (two lists)" pickoption for destinations has a nice GUI 3. Combined Custom Excel Import/Export into the Excel Communications Options GUI 4. Added toolbar buttons for Excel communication 5. Added Staff Distance Traveled dashboard widget 6. Added Interarrival Times Parameter to Experimenter's list of variables 7. Updated the Experimenter's other variables 8. Updated the list of variables that can be edited on different object classes by the Experimenter 9. Added Photo Eye capability to Item Conveyors 10. Added Location Name and Resource Name to Data Collector column options 11. Global Processes are included in some history tables and can be used in dashboards Bug Fixes 1. GUI fixes 2. The PCI column of the Appointment table is now imported from Excel correctly 3. Improved how line graphs using VALUE_EXACT merge replication data together 4. Fixed an exception in Experiments if Data Collectors only had 1 or 2 columns 5. Row headers in the PCI table can not be edited (this was a regresion from a previous version) Version 4.1 (October 2013) New Features 1. Line charts aggregate data from multiple replications faster 2. The data points in a dot plot are now listed in scenario/replication order 3. Clicking "Add Resource" in the Track Manager automatically opens the resource selection GUI 4. Removed Copy/Paste options from the PCI table since they didn't work well 5. Appointment Table can now have label value defined for each appointment 6. DataCollectors now have a Model Stopped event they can use for recording data 7. DataCollectors now define columns for a raw data table - no more "Sample Set" and "Category" fields 8. User-Defined dashboard widgets now allow the user to select multiple columns from a DataCollector to report 9. Renamed "Choose destination, staff and/or transport based on various criteria" picklist option to "Based on destination status" and improved explanatory wording 10. Search/Replace GUI now automatically resizes the table column to fill the available width 11. Experimenter GUI now remembers the width of columns in the variables table 12. Changed how the custom sample set GUI is placed and sized when it is opened 13. Export Dashboard Data GUI now includes DataCollectors as options to export 14. Improved "Experiment Complete" message and dashboard refreshing 15. Added "Explore" tab to Experimenter to allow a user to select a specific replication to run 16. Added getlabelvalue() and gettablevalue() commands 17. Simplified a number of pick-options using the getlabelvalue() and gettablevalue() commands 18. Improved the "Set Location, Rotation, Size" pick-options 19. Fixed or improved other pick-options 20. Includes all new features and bug fixes of previous versions Bug Fixes 1. Dashboards with dot plots in them now save and load correctly 2. Dot Plot should not slow down as badly after it has been moved or resized 3. Fixed syntax error in "Based on simulation time (table)" pickoption 4. Patient Appointment table has "Actual Times" column cleared on reset - like it used to work 5. Fixed Excel import/export of labels in the PCI table 6. Dashboard widgets that use "Current Value" calculate their averages more accurately 7. Experimenter works with DataCollectors better now 8. Fixed a bug in saving dashboards with model controls in them 9. Fixed a bug that was requiring users to choose a pickoption before code they wrote in the code editor would be saved 10. Cleaned up how nodes in /Tools/Experimenter and /project/exec/replications are set Version 4.0.4 (October 2013) New Features 1. Replaced the Flowchart GUI's pop-out side panel with a toolbar 2. The Flowchart GUI now has a button to reset all areas to default locations in the window 3. The input ports of an object/area can now be edited in the Flowchart GUI 4. Removed the Connections tab from item objects 5. Added an Ultrasound shape to the Equipment 6. The color of an object in the Flowchart GUI is no longer connected to the color of the actual object/locations in the model 7. Stacked bar charts no longer show the percentage next to the bar if "By Percentage" is checked - it was always 100% 8. Added labels to all history tables so that widgets can filter with them 9. Fixed bar/text/etc spacing in a lot of dashboard widgets 10. Patient GUI has Visuals tab again 11. Patient Wait Times widget now has a Pie Chart option 12. Dwell Time/LOS, Patient Travel Distance widgets now have a Histogram display 13. Dashboard widgets with only 1 category have their legend hidden by default 14. Model start time must be divisible by 15 minutes if Shift Schedules are used 15. Box plots now show their N value (the number of observations) 16. Room reservations now work for both PatientProcessing and PatientQueueing objects 17. Added Dot Plots to any metric that can display bar charts 18. Added the ability to export dashboard/history data to CSV files 19. When equipment/transports are taken to their primary group, they are automatically snapped into their default positions 20. Added new color palettes (Palette #10 has 80+ colors) 21. Dashboard are not updated automatically at the end of an experiment run 22. Users can manually rerun a specific iteration of an experiment using matched random streams 23. Dashboard GUI now has buttons to Add, Remove or Rename tabs Bug Fixes 1. Dashboard can now be used if the user does not have admin rights to the Program Files directory 2. Multiple new or improved pick-options 3. Cleaned up or improved GUIs 4. Long lists of object names now have scroll bars so they are fully visible 5. The Processing Utilization widget now allows the correct selection of locations for custom sample sets 6. Fixed an occasional crash when adding a widget to a dashboard 7. If history tables are too large to export to a single Excel tab, they are split up across multiple tabs 8. Fixed the Connect to Path checkbox on the Alternate Group GUI 9. Fixed a recurring "floor does not exist" error message in Elevators 10. The line graph shows the times better and its scroll-bars work better now 11. Removed a pointless error message when copying color between item objects 12. Line charts' x-axis lines are now drawn more accurately 13. Removed a barely visible buttons from the main view - they caused crashes 14. Fixed "First activity satisfying location and resource requirements" option for decision point activities 15. Fixed some dashboard exceptions when moving the mouse around or changing the graph type 16. Fixed how percentages are calculated in bar charts 17. Utilization is now calculated more accurately, especially in box plots 18. Improved placement of dashboard widget GUIs 19. Dashboard widgets should always have recent menus when old ones are opened 20. The Interval field for DataCollectors is enabled/disabled correctly now 21. Fixed an exception that occurred when trying to export Histograms to Excel 22. Fixed the widgettype for Length of Stay widgets 23. Desk object now has an ObjectType variable 24. UserCommands GUI has had extra controls removed 25. Fixed exceptions in Resource OnDraw behavior 26. Changed getgroupstat() so that it considers any member that is not in an idle state to be busy 27. The getcensus() command now returns correct values when locations are reserved manually 28. Item Object sample sets now work correctly with Experiments 29. By Percentage pick-option preserves the user's values when adding/deleting entries 30. Code editor places "Custom Code" where needed 31. The Patient Classification tab no longer overwrites PCI row names 32. Added decimals variable to LWBS widget 33. Fixed how LOS and Dwell Time dashboard widgets interact with warmup times 34. Fixed box plot calculations of Utilization over multiple days 35. Improved management of pre-process cost calculations 36. The tasksequence created to return equip/trans is now given a priority matching that of the activity that specifies the return process. 37. The "ActivityWaitTime_" columns in an Output file needed a reference to the activity rank concatenated onto the header. 38. Changed GlobalProcesses and Patients so that the Earliest Start Time is only evaluated once if it's an expression 39. Box plots should be calculated faster and with fewer crashes 40. Models are now always reset when they are saved |