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Q&A Using Flexsim and building models

Old 12-20-2013
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Default clock shows wrong time

Hi I´ve got a clock included in one of my bigger modells and it started to Show this times.

What am I doing wrong?
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Old 12-20-2013
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Default Please Check your 'Model Start Time' setting.

Main menu File>Model Setting.

Check the setting of 'Model Start Time' value.
Old 12-21-2013
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Thank you but didn´t work.
Old 12-26-2013
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Please send a model showing the issue to Support using so that we can figure out what is happening.
Old 12-26-2013
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Thanks Phil, I did so. But I also can share the example here, because it doesn´t work for new models.
Maybe this problem doesn´t appear at other systems?
Attached Files
File Type: fsm Wrong_Clock.fsm (14.8 KB, 44 views)
Old 12-26-2013
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There is a small bug in the code for "none format" time. The start time will added after the calculation of the time string

This code should solve your problem (changes are in bold letters):

treenode current = ownerobject(c);
treenode  textnode = parnode(1);
/**Display Date and Time*/
#define formatNone 0
#define formatDefault 1
#define formatCustom 2
int format = /** \nUSe Default Format: *//***tag:format*//**/formatNone/**list:formatNone~formatDefault~formatCustom*/;
switch (format) {
    case formatNone: 
        double modelunit = getmodelunitnum(TIME_MULTIPLE);
        double timeinseconds = time() * modelunit;
        timeinseconds += getmodelunitnum(START_SECOND);
        timeinseconds += getmodelunitnum(START_MINUTE)*60;
        timeinseconds += getmodelunitnum(START_HOUR)*3600;
        int cumulative = 0;
        int daynumber = (timeinseconds / (3600 * 24)) + 1;
        cumulative += (daynumber-1) * 3600 * 24;
        int hournumber = (timeinseconds - cumulative) / 3600;
        cumulative += hournumber * 3600;
        int minutenumber = (timeinseconds - cumulative) / 60;
        cumulative += minutenumber * 60;
        int secondnumber = timeinseconds  - cumulative;
        /*The code inside this comment should be removed.
        hournumber += getmodelunitnum(START_HOUR);
        minutenumber += getmodelunitnum(START_MINUTE);
        secondnumber += getmodelunitnum(START_SECOND);*/
        string hourstring = numtostring(hournumber,0,0);
        string minutestring = numtostring(minutenumber,0,0);
        string secondstring = numtostring(secondnumber,0,0);
        if (hournumber < 10) hourstring = concat("0", hourstring);
        if (minutenumber < 10) minutestring = concat("0", minutestring);
        if (secondnumber < 10) secondstring = concat("0", secondstring);
        string timetext = concat("Day ",
                    numtostring(daynumber,0,0),", ",
        setnodestr(textnode, timetext);
    case formatDefault:
        setnodestr(textnode, getmodelunitstr(CURRENT_TIME));
    case formatCustom:
        string timeformat = /** \nTime Format: *//***tag:timeformat*//**/"h:mm:ss tt"/**/;
        string dateformat = /** \nDate Format: *//***tag:dateformat*//**/"ddd d MMM yyyy"/**/;
        applicationcommand("convertunixtime", tonum(textnode), getmodelunitnum(CURRENT_TIME), timeformat, dateformat);
This code is also in the attached model.
Attached Files
File Type: fsm Correct_Clock.fsm (14.9 KB, 40 views)
The Following 5 Users Say Thank You to Carsten Seehafer For This Useful Post:
Tom David (01-07-2014)

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