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Q&A Using Flexsim and building models

Old 08-15-2013
ardodul ardodul is offline
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Question Protect codes from end users

I want to give my model to another user to generate results. That user will have required fields and buttons in GUI to do his job.
But I do not want to allow him to see/edit the codes running in the background. Is it possible in Flexsim?
Old 08-15-2013
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Carsten Seehafer Carsten Seehafer is offline
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Originally Posted by Anthony Johnson
Implementing the DLL to connect with Flexsim
There are multiple steps involved with implementing the DLL so that it properly connects with Flexsim. The DLL's purpose is to implement functions that will supplant functions normally called on flexscript/c++ toggled nodes in your model. The advantage of this is two-fold. First, and probably most important, it gives you the advantages of C++, including speed and ultimate flexibility, without the need for the modeler to compile every time they open the model. Second, it allows you to hide your code if you would like to protect certain intellectual property.
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The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to Carsten Seehafer For This Useful Post:
Steven Hamoen (08-16-2013)

code protection, password, secure

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