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Marketing and Sales Information Free trial version, screen shots, videos and more!

Old 07-16-2013
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Default FlexSim 7- A First Look

This thread will highlight some of the new features that will be coming out later this year in version 7 of FlexSim. There will also be a video series called "Feature Preview" that will posted on the FlexSim blog that will even give you more insight to version 7.

This first post will highlight the new animation engine. The new version will allow import of many more file types. One of those will be AC3D files. Below is the list (subject to change):

*.wrl; *.3ds; *.dxf; *.stl; *.skp; *.dae; *.obj; *.ac; *.x; *.ase; *.ply; *.ms3d; *.cob;*.md5mesh; *.irr; *.irrmesh; *.ter; *.lxo; *.csm; *.scn; *.q3o; *.q3s; *.raw; *.off; *.mdl; *.hmp; *.scn; *.xgl; *.zgl; *.lvo; *.lvs; *.blend

FlexSim 7 will support shadows and bump map textures. Below is a couple of screen shots. I hope this starts to whet your appetite.

Last edited by Bill Nordgren; 07-18-2013 at 05:27 PM.
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Old 07-17-2013
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Guys this looks good. Keep up the good work.
Just wonderering if we need to change the graphis cards requirements?
I am not worried about my card, but there are usres with less quality cards.

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Old 07-17-2013
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Can you make any laptop recommandations for this new version?



P.S.: It looks great!
Old 07-17-2013
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Graphic card requirements will not change.
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Old 07-17-2013
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Default Import Files

Great news there Bill, that will make life a lot easier when importing customers objects.
Old 07-18-2013
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Bill, the movie won't play. Doesn't look good in firefox and in internet explorer it looks good but pressing play, nothing happens
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Old 07-18-2013
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The video shows only the FlexSim Logo. It looks like that the forum cuts off some html-code for self-protection.
Old 07-18-2013
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I will re-post it when I can get it working

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