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Q&A Using Flexsim and building models

Old 04-19-2013
Abdul Mirza Abdul Mirza is offline
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Default How to does the Pan feature work in 3D View?

Hi Guys,

I can easily pan around the screen in 2D view by Holding Right Click but The pan feature does not seam to work in 3D view.

I tried different mouse combinations. But no results.

Any Help will be appriciated

Old 04-19-2013
Cameron Pluim Cameron Pluim is offline
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Cameron Pluim will become famous soon enoughCameron Pluim will become famous soon enough

The problem you are experiencing is consistent with your graphics card not being compatible with FlexSim. There are a few things you can do to try to remedy the problem.

First update your graphics card drivers by going to the manufacturers website (usually AMD or nVidia). Second you can run FlexSim in compatibility mode by going to File->Global Preferences and then click on the Graphics tab and check the box next to "Compatibility Mode". This will require a restart of FlexSim in order to take effect.

By running FlexSim in compatibility mode it will use your computer's CPU to draw the visuals instead of the Graphics card. This will obviously slow down larger models, but if you are building smaller models you should see no adverse effects.
The Following User Says Thank You to Cameron Pluim For This Useful Post:
Abdul Mirza (04-19-2013)

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