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Q&A Using Flexsim and building models

Old 01-24-2013
Cristian Ramirez Cristian Ramirez is offline
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Default Two unload spots associated with the same location


I am new to Flexsim (apologies in advance) and have the following problem:
Please refer to to the attached pic.

TaskExecuters (rear dump trucks) are unloading at LOC1. LOC1 has two possible unload points to receive the dump (Point A and Point B). The plan is to make trucks use both points to unload: it could be alternating between A and B, or using B as first priority and unloading on A when B has been taken by another truck.

TaskExecuters have been assigned with the task to unload at LOC1. Point A and B are network nodes, both attached to LOC1.

In my model trucks always dump on Point A (which makes sense as it is the closest one). And I've been trying to force them to unload at point B by:

1) Closing the access to Point A: It didn't work. Trucks got blocked and stop.
2) Defining un-timed mode in the traffic control object. I tried different things with no success but I'm not sure if made the right definitions.

Changing the status of the segments to "No connection" makes the truck choose the alternative spot to unload but I believe this is too expensive to use it on run time since I will need to call optimizenetwork() command each time (if I am right)

Thank you un advance for your suggestions

Attached Thumbnails
Click image for larger version
Name:	1Loc2DumpPoints.jpg
Views:	104
Size:	10.8 KB
ID:	2045  

Last edited by Cristian Ramirez; 01-24-2013 at 02:31 PM.
Old 01-24-2013
Jason Lightfoot Jason Lightfoot is offline
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Try instead, returning from the OnArrival trigger, the rank of the path/output port that you want to send the truck along.
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Cristian Ramirez (01-25-2013)
Old 01-24-2013
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perhaps you could address it by adding a subtask activated when the truck reaches a decision point?
In pseudocode:
// Main task sequence
inserttask(ts, TASKTYPE_TRAVEL, decisionPoint);
inserttask(ts, TASKTYPE_TRAVEL, loadingPoint);
// Subtask
  treenode unloadPoint = NULL;
   if (NumOfTrucks(pointA) == 0)
       unloadPoint = pointA;
   else if (NumOfTrucks(pointB) == 0)
       unloadPoint = pointB;
   if (unloadPoint != NULL)
      inserttask(ts, TASKTYPE_FRUNLOAD, first(truck), unloadPoint);
       inserttask(ts, TASKTYPE_DELAY, NULL, NULL, 10);
   return ts;
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Old 01-25-2013
Cristian Ramirez Cristian Ramirez is offline
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Thank you. Your replies gave me a few ideas for the implementation

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