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Q&A Using Flexsim and building models

Old 12-06-2012
Katharina Muller Katharina Muller is offline
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Default Set color of item on transporter


I am sending transporters with task sequences through my model and want to change the color of the item that is currently loaded, e.g. when the transporter travels over a certain network node. How to reference this correctly?

Thanks a lot, Kat
Old 12-06-2012
Vadim Fooks's Avatar
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Here is a model that changes the color of the transported item as a part of the task sequence.

Alternatively you can use network node's OnArrival trigger to get the traveler and the item as first(traveler).

treenode traveler = parnode(1);
treenode current = ownerobject(c);
int toedge = parval(2); //the number of the edge that the traveler is going to next
int fromedge = parval(3); // the number of the edge the traveler came from

treenode item = first(traveler);
The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to Vadim Fooks For This Useful Post:
Katharina Muller (12-07-2012)

color, item, node, transporter

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