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Q&A Using Flexsim and building models |
Hey there,
I am trying to simulate the impact of variiyng raw material deliveries and sales on the lead time of a production/assembley. Two problems that arose: which inter-arrival time function to take to get a "wave" and how to organize it. I thought so far on a Rack with the products connected with the sink. might also take a rack connected to the source. but still the problem with function remains. someone any idea? Thanx |
Not sure exactly what you want, but "waves" or "batches" of arrivals can be simulated by connecting a source to a separator. A single flowitem coming out of the source can represent the batch, and then when it passes through the separator, it gets split into a number of flowitems equalling the batch size. The split quantity on a separator can be a duniform() distribution if you would like variance. Now if you want the items within the batch to enter your model distributed in time and with unique labels, hook the separator up to a processor and the process time will "meter" the arrivals so they're spread apart in time. You can also use a trigger of the processor to assign labels as needed.
Hi cliff,
what I mean is the following: I want to simulate the impact (lead times up etc.) of changing delivery quantities and sales on e.g. an assembly. probably it would be easiest to have a processor processing at a given speed , fed by a source delivering according to a certain table, which is containing the data . the delivery variation would then be e.g. a period a with a mean x followed by a period b with mean x+y followed by a third period ....and so forth, where the period lengths can be varying as well. It seems that I should be able to use an arrival schedule for the source in which i can import data from an exel sheet. but somehow the description of how to do that is not working. any tips? is there something similar for a sink (then acting as the sales)? thanx |