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Q&A Using Flexsim and building models

Old 06-12-2012
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Default Global Table export problem by using end of replication trigger in teh experimenter

Hallo boys and girls,

i try to export a global table what i fill dynamicly in the simulation.
I use that code below to export the table as .csv, it's working fine but it doesn't expot the table what is used in the replication. It exports the table what i can see when i go over the menu Tools>Global Tables>gt_prog.

/**Table export*/
double replication = parval(1);
double scenario = parval(2);
treenode childexpfolder = parnode(3);
	string filename = "zeiten";
	filename = concat(filename , "_S" , numtostring(scenario,0,0) , "_R" , numtostring(replication,0,0) , ".csv");
	string directory = modeldir();
	if(stringlen(directory) < 3)
		directory = documentsdir();
Old 06-12-2012
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Originally Posted by Peppino View Post

/**Table export*/
I think what you describe that comes out is exactly correct. Here you tell Flexsim to export global table "gt_prog" and you tell us that that is what you see. So if you want a different table to be exported you have to change the "reftable()" part of your code
Old 06-12-2012
Jason Lightfoot Jason Lightfoot is offline
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This gets called twice so I think you'll need to test that childexpfolder does not exist before exporting the table.
Old 06-13-2012
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This gets called twice so I think you'll need to test that childexpfolder does not exist before exporting the table.
I'm actually not sure what you mean, so i tried this code below but it is not working. I get the same result, it didn't export the table what is used in the replication.

/**Table export*/
double replication = parval(1);
double scenario = parval(2);
treenode childexpfolder = parnode(3);
	string filename = "zeiten";
	childexpfolder = reftable("gt_prog");
	filename = concat(filename , "_S" , numtostring(scenario,0,0) , "_R" , numtostring(replication,0,0) , ".csv");
	string directory = modeldir();
	if(stringlen(directory) < 3)
		directory = documentsdir();
Old 06-13-2012
Jason Lightfoot Jason Lightfoot is offline
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Before the braces in your first example put:

and you shouldn't reassign childexpfolder - it is passed in for a purpose : to act as a container to pass data from the replication instance back to the master model instance (hence the two calls - one in the replication instance and one in the master instance)

Last edited by Jason Lightfoot; 06-13-2012 at 04:48 AM.
Old 06-13-2012
Peppino Peppino is offline
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I test the childexpfolder, it allready exists. Now i get no export. And now???? I don't now how to handel that childexpfolder.

string filename = "zeiten";

filename = concat(filename , "_S" , numtostring(scenario,0,0) , "_R" , numtostring(replication,0,0) , ".csv");
string directory = modeldir();
if(stringlen(directory) < 3)
directory = documentsdir();

exporttable(reftable("gt_prog"),concat(directory,f ilename),1,0);
Old 06-13-2012
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It should not exist in the child instances of the experiment.

Please post the model.
Old 06-13-2012
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That is my complet model.
Attached Files
File Type: fsm IST-ZustandV1.fsm (163.9 KB, 91 views)
Old 06-13-2012
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It looks like they'll be written to your Documents/Flexsim 6 Projects folder
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Old 06-13-2012
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Thank's Jason, it's working.

That is the first code what i don't understand.
Why it's working now, and why it's saving in documentsdir() and not in modeldir()?

Maybe because my model is in my dropbox folder? Normally not!

My not understanding is based on that childexpfolder.
Old 06-13-2012
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It looks like the child instances don't have modeldir() set which could be an omission - I've sent an email to the developers.

The End of Replication trigger has a picklist example of returning global table information back to the master model from the experimenter's child instances in the End of Replication trigger.

The engine is calling the trigger in the child first and then in the master for each replication end event. It passes the experiment folder of the child (so /Tools/Experimenter) to the master as childexpfolder. This is to give the child process a chance to write information into that folder that the master can then read. When the child gets called, childexpfolder is NULL, so for clarity you could add a variable:

int ischild=not(objectexists(childexpfolder));

or define a macro:

#define ISCHILD not(objectexists(childexpfolder))
Old 06-13-2012
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Ok, i think i understand what you meen. Thank's
Old 09-18-2012
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Default How to updata a table using the tables in each replication.

This post was very helpful for my model, where I needed to export a Global table after each replication. How can we have a single global table (At Experiment Level) that is updated using the global table of each replication.
For example: let us say at the end of each replication I have a table: TABLE1.
I need a table EXPERIMENTTABLE to show the sum/average of TABLE1 across replications.
Old 09-18-2012
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If you look at the Endof Replication code for Global tables template, you'll see the line :

Instead of this just loop through ALL the rows and columns and increment the cells. So for the sum it's this for each cell:

To maintain an average you need to know the number of replications completed so far which you should be able to store in a global variable.

Then it's just :
nreps++; //our global variable

and then for each cell:

Also - if you've not done so already - it might be worth taking a look at the PFMs of the Experimenter as they allow powerful reporting across replications.
Old 09-19-2012
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Default THank you

THanks Jason.
Old 02-21-2013
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Did you get a reply on this?
"It looks like the child instances don't have modeldir() set which could be an omission - I've sent an email to the developers."

Old 02-22-2013
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Yes, it's on the list to fix and for now you can access these instead of using the commands. (Thanks Phil).

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