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User Development User developed add-ons to Flexsim

Old 04-05-2012
Vincent Bechard Vincent Bechard is offline
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Vincent Bechard will become famous soon enoughVincent Bechard will become famous soon enough
Question HTML and flexsimweb


Where could I find more details on styles and java scripts referenced by this default HTML header content :

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="flexsimweb/default.css" />
<script src="flexsimweb/common.js"></script>
Vincent Béchard, Eng., MASc.
Discrete Event Simulation Designer
SNC-Lavalin, Industrial Division
Old 04-05-2012
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Vincent Bechard (04-05-2012)
Old 04-06-2012
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hi ,i do not find folder C:\ProgramData\Flexsim\Flexsim6 ,my flexsim 6 folder is D:\Program Files\Flexsim6, i use xp system.
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Old 04-06-2012
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and I start flexsimserver.exe ,just the get the attach window. if i want use web see the model ,do i need use windows sever 2003 system?
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Old 04-06-2012
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Phil BoBo Phil BoBo is offline
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The webserver application does not work with Windows XP. I'm not sure if it will work with Server 2003.

I know it works with Windows 7, Vista, and Server 2008.
Old 04-06-2012
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does flexsim 6.0 demo have this function?

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